Get Ready for Paper Organizing!
Paper organizing can be a challenging task. It’s likely we’ve all been in the middle of a pile of papers on the floor and thrown our hands up in the air and walked away. So…how can you make a challenging task of sorting important papers into a finished product that looks simplified and orderly? How can you get started on the right track? Most of us have personal documents, financial records, medical records, home documents, school or kid’s papers, and sentimental papers. Instead of sorting these all in alphabetical order or chronological dates, organize them using four or five simple files with these categories: short term, long term, action, personal, and memory.
Here are a few examples of what to place in each category file. Place coupons in the short term file. Place housing documents or school transcripts in the long term. Maybe place unpaid bills and tax documents in the action file. Include kids papers, report cards, or even photos in the memory file. The personal file might include birth certificates, social security cards, or marriage certificates. The overall goal is to be able to access what you need in the shortest amount of time possible; no more taking hours to look for what you need! But if you need help sorting and creating a custom filing system and transform your pile of chaos, contact a professional organizer!